Sunday, March 13, 2011

Introduction; or, A Whole Lot of BS

I started this blog ages ago, in hopes of giving myself a space to write about books, where I could recommend things to friends and strangers and receive recommendations in return. Then, life got in the way. How inconvenient.

But even though I haven't got much time these days to read, or to knit, or to have a life, I find myself still in need of an outlet for the thousands of thoughts running through my head at any given moment. To that end, I guess How Inconvenient! will now fall more under the heading of "Lifestyle Blog," although I've got no idea what kind of lifestyle that is. Maybe, by writing about it, I'll be able to figure that out, or, even better, I'll stop caring what it's called and just start living.

So, introductions. I am BS, a displaced Midwesterner currently living in the Pacific Northwest, but in a few months, I will be returning to the Midwest. Professionally, I am a grad student and a musician. Since starting college, I have worked several odd jobs (including librarian, waitstaff, barista, arts administrative assistant, museum clerk, and--the rumors are true--lingerie salesperson), and, after finishing my Masters degree, I'm sure I will work some odder ones. I enjoy science fiction and Major League Baseball and living in cities. I want to adopt a kitten. I have strong political opinions, and those tend to be liberal (I've even been told I'm "radical," which I'll address later). Every year I say I'm going to celebrate Pi Day, and every day, I forget until the 13th of March.

I will be 25 next month. I think that what I'm having right now is called a quarter-life crisis.

There's your list of random personal facts. If you're trying to figure me out, those facts probably won't help much. Sorry.

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