Saturday, September 1, 2012

All through the winter I'm alive; or, The Return of BS

First things first: the chair in which I currently sit is the best chair. Following the sudden departure of my second roommate in five months (and, no, not going into it, possibly ever, so let's pretend this whole second-roommate thing never happened in the first place), I found myself bereft of items of furniture in which to sit as I do things like, for example, blog and watch Gilmore Girls. Penny and I drove up to visit the parents for a couple of days, and while I was there I found the best chair. It is short, plush, and upholstered in the most hideous 1970s velveteen, which has faded everywhere except on one side of the seat cushion. And it was $30. I haven't taken a look-at-my-freaking-awesome-chair photo yet, but Penny, who is currently perched on the back and is purring, has apparently given her seal of approval. Oh. She has moved, and is currently draped over one of the arm-rests.

And now my lap. Cat, there is not room for both you and my MacBook.

(This is really how my life goes.)

So my life kind of fell apart for a while there, which is the best explanation I can offer for my recent radio silence. It happens.

I spent much of my month away from the blogosphere not sleeping. This wasn't by choice, obviously, and it took me more than two weeks to realize that my sleeplessness was connected to the CVS debacle detailed in my previous entry. As it turns out, the staff of the drugstore ended up calling the police on my behalf, and not, as I had previously thought, because two homeless guys had gotten into a fight outside, although that did happen.

But now the cat wants my attention. I just wanted to send a message out into the void and say that, hey, two people who read this, I'm still alive.  For your trouble, here, have a music video:

Thank you and goodnight.

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